Monday, September 15, 2014

Fond goodbyes

leaving a campsite is like,
to my beloved saying bye.
torn am i,
between running back or walking away.
but walk away i must,
for i have promises to keep.
but a promise i do now make,
speedy return it shall be,
to your sheltering arms.

Roots of Silence

what is silence, i wonder,
certainly not an absence of sound,
for these valleys are never really quiet.
silence is not what the ear perceives,
it is what the heart sometimes feels.

Essence of company

i sat all alone among the meadows,
none near for a company,
then my eyes saw a hundred flowers blooming,
my ears heard a hundred bees buzzing,
and there were the trees, the valleys,
the clouds and the flowing mist,
yes, i sat all alone among the meadows,
or so i thought.

Infinite Shades

how many shades of green are they,
as many as sunbeams on a sunny day.
god must be awfully good at math,
for he fits in more numbers,
in this tiny square inch space,
than can ever fit into my head.