Monday, September 28, 2015

Meeting God

It was a little before crack of dawn and I was walking the empty semi-dark lanes of Gangotri beside the rapidly flowing Bhagirathi. The mystics have often raved about the Brahma Kaal, the time before dawn, between 4:00 am and 5:00am. The time when, they said, the celestial descend among the terrestrial.
I was standing on the bridge across the Bhagirathi, looking down when I sensed a fellow traveler behind me. I turned and faced the shadowy figure. 'Hello', I said and she replied 'What are you doing up so early?'
'Its Brahma Kaal and I am looking for God', I said.
'Have you found him yet?'
'No, but I have met many kind peaceful souls. I have asked all of them so I will ask you too, are you God?'
Her laughter enveloped us like wings.
'No, I am just a nobody', she said as she turned and walked away.
'Strange', I said, 'they all say the same thing, that they are nobodies'
She turned one final time her laughter still enveloping us. And then she was gone.
It was still dark but as she receded away I was certain she wasn't walking; she was gliding, a few inches over the ground.   

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Looking closer home

an old man was walking about in the marketplace with a pot in his arms. a merchant called out to him 'what is in that pot of yours?'
'its full of gold' said the old man.
the merchant was horrified, 'have u lost ur mind? arent u afraid people will find out and take it away?
the old man whispered back 'you see thats the point... people always think if its gold it can only be found some place difficult... bagal mein kya hai koi dekhta hi nahin'

Nunnha pilot

for a writer travel is everything, one travels and stories happen.... yesterday i was waiting for my train at dhanbad station. as usual i was playing on my ipad, trying to land this aircraft. it was a tricky level as i had to land it while a storm was blowing....needed a bit of focus but these shoeshine boys were really pestering me... jolly fellows, kids really, full of beans, smiling and all that, but relentless, breathing all over my shoulders....damn.... knowing i won't be able to land this plane with all this distractions i just flicked the iPad in the direction on this nearest kid and said 'khelna hai?'... he was like, what??, but then he guessed i was seriously offering so his eyes said, yeah, why not... i think i gave a few pointers, like, yeh plane hai, udd raha hai, isko uttarna hai, but he was already holding the ipad the way i was and damn, the plane was behaving.... i kept  nudging a bit, working on a few controls he wouldn't know off, like the flaps and the rudder...but he was like totally focused, gently guiding the plane.... i pointed out the landing strip, cut his speed for him, adjusted his angle a tad.... at the right time i dropped the landing gear for him while he focused on the strip... and la haul billa quwat, the critter nailed the bloody landing....!!!!
sure it was hard landing, it was wobbly, it wasn't pretty to look at, but the aircraft was on the strip...
and then i heard him take a long breath.... a tiny smile.
i reclaimed the ipad, tousled his hair and shared that smile... soon i was on my way and he went his.... i don't remember exchanging any words....