Thursday, January 11, 2007

Life in nano-distances

I think of the time you are not here beside me. That's the time i am thinking of you all the time but i don't miss you at all. For that to happen you have to be away from me and that you never are. When i think of you, i just close my eyes and in my mind i can see clearly what you are doing every moment of your life. Its almost as if i am right beside you as you spend your day.

Therefore, its really does not matter where you really are or how far, for once i give my thoughts wings, there is no place such as far away.

Sunday, January 7, 2007


The good thing about dreamchasing is that one needs no further motivation. The dream does it all by itself. It beckons, it goads, it inspires and even disciplines. It is said that if you dream long enough then you will get there. The trick is to dream long enough. But how long is long enough? This question reminds me of Archimedes when he spoke of the power of cantilever and said something like 'give me a pole long enough and i will lift the earth with just my bare hands'. Yeah sure... but i bet it will have to be a very long pole..... very very long.

But then there are people out there who keep looking for this long pole, some even find it and in their own way end up lifting the earth with just their bare hands.

Manhji, a small time farmer in a remote village somewhere out there, is one such man. It seems that his little village is separated from the cultivable lands by a rugged hill and that all the farmers have to cross this hill to get to their fields. The trek is long, tough and dangerous and many a villager slipped on the slippery slope and was hurt trying to get to or from his fields.

One such villager was a petite women who slipped and broke her ankle while trying to fetch her husband's lunch as he toiled across in the fields. The very next day, Manhji, the husband, sold all the goats he had and traded them in for a chisel, a hammer and some rope. He then set about chiseling the sheer rock face intending to cut a safe and direct path through to the fields. It looked a funny sight, a man dwarfed by the 300 ft rock wall, hammering away at the formidable rockface with little more than a small chisel and a puny little hammer. He worked day and night, long hours, caring for nothing else, many a times even forgetting to eat. Villagers jeered at him, called him names but he just kept at it. Day after day, month after month, year after year. It took him 22 years to do it but one day he stood on the other side looking at all the fields. Behind him was a path he tore through the rockface straight to his village.

22 years is a long time to chase a dream. But ask Manhji and he will tell you how it was longer than what meets the eye.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

When love and hate collide

One meets friends all the time, but one will rarely meet an enemy. One has to make a enemy. Its a deliberate act. One can make a friend without trying but never an enemy.

Read on...

There is this interesting story I once heard. Its a story about two clans, bitterly opposed to each other for as long as one could remember. The animosity was so old that no one really knew why and where all the bad blood began. Generations upon generations the animosity carried on, flamed every once in a while by some act of atrocity and carnage. The children born to these clans inherited hate... their enemies were made for them, sort of hard coded into their brains.

In this world of mutual hatred came of age a boy and a girl and fell in love with each other. Unfortunately they belonged to opposing sides so their love was doomed. They chose to die rather than let their love be sacrificed. When the final moment came they made one last desperate plea for peace but it was lost in a macabre swishing of swords... blood flowed...

Its a very old story but people still point out the spot where the two lovers were slain. Every year many gather there to celebrate the unrequited love. Nobody now remembers what eventually happened to the two clans.

I think i can guess... it must have taken a long long time but eventually the plea of the two young lovers was heard.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Speaking with Silence

Ever wondered how uneasy most of us are when conversations lulls into silence. How we fidget, hem and haw, often saying whatever comes to mind so long as the silence is kept at bay.

I often wonder why? Is it because we live in constant fear of being judged and we think that if the other person is silent that's because he or she is thinking and thereby forming an opinion about you? Is that why we leap to break the silence so that we can, by our words and thoughts, influence his or her thought process? I think that is what it is.

When we overcome this fear of being judged, we overcome the need to talk. We then are comfortable with silence. Comfortable with not knowing what the other person is thinking about you. Unlike the silence between strangers, which is uncomfortable and begging to be broken, this silence is enduring and likes to go on and on...

Someday you and I will sit all day and not say a thing. Wont that be a day to remember? I bet it will be.

Sunset Musings

The sun has set on 2006 and my thoughts wander and wonder. Where will I be in 2007 ? What will i be doing?

"Giving Back"

Giving back to my family... my wife, my daughter, my sisters, my parents. Giving back the love and care, the sense that i am always there.

Giving back to my community... my friends, my neighbours, my acquaintances. Giving back the shared joys and accommodations, the helping hand, the sense of responsibility and accountability.

Giving back to my country... my fellow citizens, especially the one's whom opportunity has not favoured as much. The women, the children, the old and the unemployed. Give back my time, my experiences, my learnings and a bit of my fortune. Empower, educate, reassure and re-employ.

Giving back to my mother earth.... my environment, my lands, my nature. Giving back the old way, less abuse, less plunder, less greed. Giving back the respect for the natural order, the belief that co-existence is not just about us humans living in harmony but about letting go of the sense that we, as humans, have the right to do what we feel with all that surrounds us.
