Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Someone once told me that nothing happens just by chance, also that nothing ever happens that has no significance somewhere, somehow or to someone. I believe its true, that indeed when a butterfly flaps its tiny wings somewhere in China, its sets off a series of cause and effects that leads to, maybe, a thunderstorm somewhere in Brazil...

Is a thunderstorm in Brazil a good thing or is it a bad thing? I don't know... depends... but the point is 'cause and effect'.... that whatever I do will have an impact somewhere... and that makes me feel responsible... I am no longer just a mute and dumb spectator in this theatre of life...

So on this day of love and peace I will go out there and do something, something I may have never done before.

I am sure it will have some impact.

Just imagine if a whole bunch of people, a BIG bunch of people, all did something today, something they never done before, just imagine how many ripples that will set off, how many new directions the 'cause and effect' stuff will fly, imagine the chaos, this is stuff that can shake the very roots of who we are and how we are....


I don't know for sure if what happens from all this will be good or bad... but what is the worst.. things will really go bad... well, we are at the very edge anyway, at best this will tip things over and BOOM, we are all history. Great, then all of us can dust out hands and begin all over again....

So lets go out there and do something....

Smile at a stranger, better still smile at someone you dont like.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator,

Hop instead of walk

Dig a hole, plant a tree

Yell "BOO" at the top of your voice

Buy handloom

Call a person you haven't spoken to in a long time

Schedule a reading at an old age home

Skip a meal

Bake something with your child

Cry at the plight of a stranger....




What, my friend, are you planning to do???


interlace said...

who we are and how we are..........
well its time we all did a bit of soul searching....and then perhaps did something to bring a smile ..

Stories Untold said...

Gautam Budha had talked about the entire world being just vibrations (Sabbo loko pakampito) and each one of us can cause a change. The intention with which we trigger a thougth / action causes a chain reaction on things around us!

Its a very powerful thought you've got out there!