Thursday, March 22, 2007

Keeping in touch

Came across this, thanks to a dear friend....

It really got me thinking.. When was the last time i had penned a letter to someone I care about... a note or even a scribble??? It was a long long time ago, so long ago that i don't remember exactly when... now i have, maybe, five different ways of keeping in touch with those I care about, there is the phone, the e-mail, the Gmail chat, there's Skype and finally there is(and I am least proud of this one) the ubiquitous and the extremely abbreviated Mr SMS.

All of them are about bits of binary codes or radio waves swirling about and ferrying my affection across. Very efficient, very quick and very very Hi-tech....

But since when is affection about being Hi-tech, about being quick and about efficiency?.. will somebody tell me that?

When both of us were young and filled with all sorts of silly notions and feelings, how we poured them into long letters that we wrote to each other. How I waited for those letters to arrive. How I suffered when they didn't and how i rejoiced when they did. I knew the postman by his bell and I knew he was there when the faintest tinkle reached my ears. He was still far off, just about getting into my lane and still with many houses to call on before he reached mine. But I would race down and wait for him, impatiently swinging on the iron gate. As he got closer and he met my eye, I knew I had a letter, if he didn't then today was not the day. How my heart would break when he would keep his eyes glued on the road ahead as he passed my house on his stupid rickety cycle, ringing his stupid rickety bell. And I would have to wait another whole day to know if you had been thinking about me...a whole day!
That is the bitter sweet magic of a letter. That is what this image reminded me about.
Its time I conjured up that magic all over again.
Its time I wrote you a letter...

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