Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Zen and the art of getting your wish

Everybody advised him that she was way out of his league and he'd best stick to his own, not that any of that mattered to him. He just politely heard them and then carried right on. Somewhere deep down even he knew they all may be right, but that too had no effect on what he did. Just like with everybody else, he politely listened to his mind speak and once it had done saying what it had to, he turned around and went straight to the local grocery and paid the checkout girl to get the latest list of the stuff she had bought just a little while back. Another day he struck up a conversation with the librarian to find out what she had been reading recently and then he got all those books issued to himself. He read every word and thought over every word. He did the same with the local music shop, the video parlour, found out what she had ordered at every restaurant she had been to in the last three months. Things weren't always that easy. Sometimes his charms failed him and people didn't give him the information he wanted. Some got angry, others got wary and some even had him thrown out. He took all this in his stride and carried on just the same. He knew the names of each member of her family, her relatives and her friends, and he knew much more about those that he thought mattered to her more than the others.

He did all this for six months and during all this while he never made even the slightest attempt to catch her attention or get her to notice his presence. Then one day, when he was ready, he wrote her a story. The story was about a girl who woke up one day and realised that she had the power to live her life just as she pleased. In the story, he got the girl to express what mattered to her, what she wanted to do in her life, the places she wanted to visit, the things she wanted to eat, wear, do. The things she wanted changed.

As she read the story, she slowly saw herself emerge out of the pages in a way she had never seen herself. He ended the story by getting the girl to express her ultimate meet a man who knew her almost as well as she knew herself.... as she read this, tears flowed down her eyes... for that was her wish too.

Nothing happened for a few days but then one day she picked up the phone and dialed the number that came with the story to speak with this stranger who had written it.

That was the break he was waiting for.

They met and soon she had met the man who knew her almost as well as she knew herself.

Do I really need to tell you what happened thereafter?

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