Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Essense of being a chauffer

its that kind of day when one wakes up and  knows for certain its going to be a good one. something in the air, maybe. but in my case its something in the room. well, two things, to be precise. aj is home from college and she and her delectable mom, mj, are busy fussing over the clothes for the upcoming cousin's wedding. having these two in a room is reason enough for my day to go well but things were destined to reach higher. i got promoted. the women needed to be at several places, shopping and stuff, and i was to be the chauffeur !!! happy happy... 

my duties were simple enough, drive, take them places, and then be out of sight till its time to drive again. that 'be out of sight' business is steeped in history. on a shopping trip i was once asked for my opinion on something simple... dont remember exactly, but something like what goes well with what... i gave it a thought and then gave my opinion. aj was shocked, mj was shocked, the shopkeeper was shocked, so was his assistant and also this ramdom shopper who happened to be there. pretty much everybody, truth be told. 

since then the stipulation that i drive and then disappear is pretty much part of the whole being a chauffer business. take it or we will uber it. 

well, one cant have everything, can one? life is like that. and i am taking it. happily.

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