Friday, November 21, 2008

The Butterfly Effect

A few weeks ago a young woman was out for a bike ride in upstate New York when she spotted an injured monarch butterfly and took it home in her emptied water bottle.


She then fed the butterfly rotting pears mixed with water and honey. The butterfly was thriving on the feast and gaining strength but the question remained: What about its broken wing?


Enter the internet.


Online, she discovered a nine-minute video demonstration posted by the Live Monarch Foundation, a nonprofit group from Boca Raton, Florida, on how to fix a broken butterfly wing.


So after a delicate but relatively simple operation the tiny house guest had its wing mended and began to flutter around. Another week and it was now merrily flitting all over the house. While it was warm inside the house, outside it was getting very cold and all its other butterfly brothers and sisters had long ago migrated down to the warmer south. So the next question: How will it make up the lost time?


Enter the long haul lorry drivers.


The young woman took the butterfly in a shoe box to the nearest trucking station. She stepped into a bar, stared at all the huge burly drivers and asked for a volunteer to take the box as far south as possible to give the butterfly a chance of finding a group to join in the migration to Mexico.


If you ever want to feel strange and totally out of place then all you have to do is go into a bar full of truck drivers and ask them to take care of a butterfly!!. Unlikely as it seemed, eventually, a driver from Alabama, on his way to Florida, raised his hand.


Three days later the young woman got a call. It was the truck driver. The butterfly with its mended wings was loose in Florida, among other Monarchs on their way to Mexico.

1 comment:

Ankit Ashok said...

A very touching story indeed, complete with philosophical overtones.