Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Its interesting how good a mimic the wind is. It blows and makes all sorts of sounds. Last night it blew and my tent flapped and swayed and it seemed that someone or something was walking outside. And the other day it rustled through the pine needles and we thought that we were next to a water fall, or a fast flowing stream. Then again as you sit in the evening staring at the snow peaked mountains lit by a full moon, you think you hear someone playing the flute, or whispering a song or just lamenting a loss, but if you listen carefully, its just the wind, blowing and doing mischief. Its the softer wind that really does most of the mischief. The stronger wind is louder but it has no range. Just one steady blowing, humming sound. Rightnow it is back to blowing softly through the silver oaks and methinks its tinkling me a sweet lullaby.

1 comment:

Life!! said...

R, you manage to shake me back to the real world every now and then. Yes this indeed is the real world.

Everyday on the 14th floor of my concrete building, I hear the wind calling the kitchen it coos, outside my bedroom window it whistles and in the larger area of my drawing room the actual force of the wind is unleashed, raging and bellowing...while I notice it every now and then, it takes something like what you have written, to stop and absorb these sounds... Bless you!