Friday, November 8, 2013

Wind Talks

On a trek the one this that is almost always with you is the wind. It blows, it swirls, it swoops and it drags. Its also interesting how good a mimic the wind is. It makes all sorts of sounds. Last night as i lay in my tent it flapped my tent in such a peculiar way that i really thought someone was walking about just outside my tent. And the other day it rustled through the pine needles and all of us thought we had found the stream we were so desperately looking for. Then again sometimes you think someone far away is playing the flute, or whispering a love song or lamenting a loss, but if you listen carefully its just the wind blowing and doing mischief. The softer the wind the more the mischief. The stronger wind is loud but it had no range and no mischief. One night as i slept among the jacaranda trees the wind slowly blew thought the blossoms, tinkling lightly and singing me a sweet lullaby.

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