Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Essence of getting somewhere

I wanted to catch the sunset from a hilltop that I could see from my homestay. I asked the host and he said it will take upwards of an hour to get there. So I planned to leave early. Well in time. As I about to step out, the host looked at the sky and pointed out all the clouds and advised me to drop the plan. It would be pointless as the sun would be behind the clouds when it sets, he said.

I had absolutely nothing else to do so I smiled at him and shrugged my shoulders. A walk is a walk, right?

After about an hour or so I was at the top, found a nice spot and sat down. All the while I was walking the clouds that thinned quite a bit and the sun was now playing hide and seek. However I could clearly see a thick band of clouds just above the horizon so a sunset wasn't to be I thought. But as I sat there the sun shone brilliantly and then slowly sank into that thick bank. It wasn't the best sunset ever but it still took my breath away. And I was reminded of Rajinder, my trusted sherpa sirdar. To start a task with the focus on the end is not always the best way to start the task, he used to say.

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