Sunday, February 17, 2019

The art of getting bashed in sand

coudnt resist the dunes, had to go sand bashing... so i called up an experienced friend and he gave me a few tips and ended with an advise, dont go out alone. 

"but hello, i am on a solo roadtrip, does having god with me count?" 

"that may count but wont matter much". hillarious, he is.

anyways, as advised i spoke with my host.
"thare paas mharo number seh na, ja rab rakkha".

wow, assurance and god, both in one simple sentence, nice.

so off i went. tentatively at first, but as i felt the car slip and slide something inside told me to take it a notch up. immediately i felt better traction and i was up and away, one dune, then another, then one more and then back to the first dune. 

it was at this point that i felt a bit vain and wanted to show off. so i stopped and set up the camera on video mode. lights, camera, action.  

i restarted the car. ooooops. wheels were spinning but i wasnt moving. uh oh. i raced a bit more, nada. i got off to look and the front tyres were half deep in sand. oh boy. i promptly got down to my knees and cleared the sand as much as i could, make a path of sorts. now the car will simply slide out. 

well, it didnt, just dug in even deeper. this looks bad i thought. then i remembered something. when we went sand bashing in dubai they took the air off the tyres, it gives better traction they said... ah there you are, thats the trick i missed. nevermind. so i got down to my knees all over again and the let air off the tyres. feeling good i got in, put the car in gear and guess what?... it moved !!!!

just a bit though and then sat down.... thats when it finally dawned on me. this car aint moving anywhere on its own. my enthu, my ego and my front tyres, all three were in the same state. deflated.

to cut a long story short i made that call, my host eventually trundled over in his tractor and towed me to safetly in less time than it took me to set up that damned phone on video mode. 

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