Friday, June 13, 2008

Zen master and the little boy

There was a little boy in a village who lived next door to a zen master. When the little boy turned 14, his father gave him a pony. All the neighbours were delighted and said "how very wonderful". However, when the zen master heard the news all he said was "well, lets see..."

Two years later the boy was riding his pony and somehow fell from it and broke his leg. The neighbours all came together, clicked their tongues and said "how very terrible".

The zen master saw this and all he said was "well, lets see..."

A year later a war was declared and all the able bodied boys were sent off to the front. The boy was spared as he was a cripple. The neighbours were happy for him and said "how very fortunate..."

The zen master saw this too and said "well, lets see...."

So what's the point of my story????

"well, lets see....."

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