Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Essense of being brave

It is said that the Israelites and Philistines were head to head on opposite mountains with the valley of Elah separating them. The two great armies faced each other ready for the battle. While the Israelites had many a brave soldiers, all of them shuddered at the sight of this giant among the Philistines. The giant, Goliath, bellowed fearsomely and called upon the Israeli warriors to meet him one on one in the valley of Elah and decide the battle. Days went by but no Israelite would take up the challenge and the King was running out of options. One day a lad by the name David came to deliver the daily bread to the king and heard him despair about the giant. So David went up to the king and told him that he was willing to fight Goliath. The King was overcome by the lad's bravery and gave him his personal armour. But the armour was too big for the little lad so he left the armour behind and began climbing down to the valley. Along the way he picked up five smooth stones for his sling shot and was ready to meet the giant. Goliath saw David come down and he was enraged that they dare send him such a puny opponent. So he growled like a thousand lions and ran down to crush David. It was a fearsome sight, this huge giant trundling towards little David, eyes all bloodshot, arms spread wide itching to crush, the barrel chest heaving....

David waited, and waited, his sling ready and swinging slowly. He waited some more and just when he thought it was right he swung the sling shot and out flew the stone. The stone was aimed perfectly and hit Goliath right in the middle of the eyes. His skull split and the giant instantly fell at David's feet. Dead as a dodo.

Ofcourse all of us know this story but tell me have you ever wondered what made little David take up the challenge that all the other warriors didnt dare? The first thing he did was overcame his own fear. That must have been difficult but once he had no fear the rest was, i imagine, easy. That is how one destroys monsters in our own lives. We first overcome our own fears, we then stand our ground. And then when we meet the monster, our lack of fear allows us to think clearly, allows us to do what we have to do to overcome that monster.

1 comment:

pooja ratnakar said...

this reminds me of what my grandfather always tells me, "There's only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve, and that is the fear of failure.."