Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Finding heroes

Finding heroes is not really difficult, the tough part is beginning to look for them. Its an ego thing, you have to overcome this ego by acknowledging the fact that there are people out there who did things better than you ever could. Once that is done then you will find heroes all around you....

There is this vagabond who spends his time riding trains. He once noticed that quite a few children made a living selling bits and things on the train. It was obvious to him that these kids had no future, that by and by these kids would get sucked deeper and deeper into the vortex of circumstances, eventually ending up just like him. So he began teaching these kids in between stations once they had done their selling. Basic stuff. He has been doing this now for several years and a few of his 'students' have since gone on to take up formal education and make something of their lives...

There is a village, back of beyond. Suffering from years of drought, the village and the villagers crumbled. The men took to drinking and made matters worse for all, especially the womenfolk. Then one night one of the women refused to let her drunk husband in. She got bashed up big time. Next night she locked herself in and refused to open. He spent the night in the open. She got bashed up again in the morning but this time some other women intervened. That night more women refused to let their drunk husbands in and it was the beginning of something good. Today, i am told, nobody touches a drop of liquor in this village.....

At a lounge bar a rather drunk person wanted another drink. The bargirl refused him his drink. He pulled out his gun and shot her. Then he ran. Everybody in the bar froze but for one woman who chased him as far as she could. The shooter was a very influential person and bore upon everybody in the bar that night to hush up his act. Many couldnt stand the pressure and gave in to his cover-up, but that woman did not, no matter how intimidatiing things got. The shooter was eventually convicted, and the judges acknowledged the part played by that woman's testimony in getting his conviction....

Three random stories, two of them unheard of events, but three tales of heroism... how many more such heroes are still out there..... many.... many.

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