Monday, December 18, 2006

Fire and Ice

The other day I attended a breathtaking performance by a group of Manipuri dancers. The theme was 'Agni' so the performers made liberal use of fire both in their performance as well as in the decor. There was live music including a pandit reciting sutras and vedic hymns. The night was clear and a soft wind was blowing across the open-air stage. As the performance progressed we all were pulled into a vortex of feelings, sometimes burning, sometimes smouldering....

At one point the performers attempted to light a fire on the stage. They were vigorously rubbing together what looked like twigs and as their efforts got faster, the chanting kept pace till suddenly a fire was actually lit and the chanting came to a thunderous climax.

There was no doubt that the performers were highly talented. They danced, played the dholak, did some very complex movements with mashals, swords, spears and fire balls. As they weaved and swerved, they created swirling arcs of fire and when they fought with their swords, they did so with so much enthusiasm and speed that when their swords clashed sparks actually flew. I clapped and yelled so much that my hands ached and my throat was hoarse.

Thats when I noticed that the audience in general was rather frugal in its appreciation and I couldnt understand why. Appreciations is not just about acknowledging the performance, its about recognising and appreciating all the years of effort that goes into reaching the level of finesse that these performers had reached. Each of them would have made several sacrifices, taken tough decisions, opted out, several times, from all those little fun things we do, instead they would have chosen to practice their art. It is our obligation to tell them that all their sacrifice was well worth it. That they were right in choosing what they did and that we are indeed grateful that all their sacrifices gave us a moment to cherish.

I wish I had a hundred pair of hands and my voice a hundred times louder so that I could have clapped and shouted for each of those 'high society' ice statues that sat all around me in their pretty silk sarees and three piece suits.


Life!! said...

Yes, people have become so conditioned to their high status living that either they have become insensitive to what they feel, hear or see or forgotten how to manifest what they are feeling...appreciation comes in times does not come at all.... but those who have left evrything to follow their heart, need no appreciation from anyone but contenetment in what they are doing to go on excelling in whatever their passion is...the motivated lot does not need anyhing from the "moot"ivated lot :-)

Pathfinder said...

As usual Priyambi holds a mirror and makes one see images that werent quite visible earlier.

Life!! said... have no idea at all where you stand in my inroads...and how you have moved me towards "changing gears"...Thanks. Continue pouring in your lovely thoughts...

Mystic Rose said...

so do i.