Monday, December 18, 2006

First Steps

Things are on a roll. The mountains are beckoning and the weather is supportive too. In any case this is just the right time that one can hope to step out without the feeling that this indulgence can wait. The year is about gone and all that was to be done in it should be about done too. Right?

... but what about this little whisper, this feeling, that somewhere somehow it is all going to change. That like a tiger, fate waits patiently behind that rock, to make a killing of the good times.

I wonder what makes us so, why do we keep looking over our backs, forever worried that a tiger lurks. So much fun in life, so many wonderful opportunities, is lost if one is forever looking over one's back. Fun lies ahead, not behind. And that tiger.... well maybe he's just had his lunch...

I think I will take that walk in the woods after all... i got nothing to lose.

1 comment:

interlace said...

well..suscpicion..a gnawing feeling that something is wrong somewhere..somehow its just so rooted within us, that we are all just waiting ..awaiting..someones help to take the first step...