Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fishing for opportunities

There was an old fisherman who used to say that life is full of opportunities but that not all opportunities were meant for you. He said that think of life like a lake full of fish. All the fishes are there to be taken but not all will be caught. A fisherman can only look for a good spot and then cast his net. Most fishes will get away, maybe all. Maybe a few will be caught. The one's that are caught are the fishes for you. A good fisherman never rues the one's that got away but takes what he has caught. These he carefully and meticulously weighs, scales, guts, cleans, slices, and then stores them. Having done all that he then hopes that someone will buy his fish. If that happens then he knows he has taken full advantage of the 'fish' that he happened to catch.

So it is with life. We have opportunities swirling around us all the time and its natural to want to reach out and grab each of them. But no matter how hard you try, most of them will pass you by. When that happens, there is no point is ruing the missed opportunities, that way more of them will pass you by. After all, life is not about the one that got away but about what you did with the one that you caught.

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