Monday, December 18, 2006

A quiet moment

Yesterday I was in a cafe mulling over my mocha. I looked around and the cafe was the usual noisy place it always is. The couple next to me seemed very keen on making everybody hear their 'private' conversation, the TV in the corner was spewing the same inane nonsense, the coffee grinder groaned as it grinded and the busboys flitted about balancing several orders at the same time. But in all this noise and confusion I was having a quite moment. It began just like any other moment, moments that are beset with thoughts of the past or hopes for the future, but somehow this moment was different. It was as if my ears had suspended work and refused to respond to the sonic bombardment at its doors. Bereft of sound my mind was forced to think rather than react and that's when I really began to feel good. That's when I seemed to sprout wings and began to hover. A strange weightlessness gave me a new sense of freedom and I began to look at everything like I had never seen it before.

Suspended animation, a state of bliss, finally I was learning to fly. Was this what all my efforts were all about? Was this the goal that one reached when all was said and done?

Alas, lovely as this was, it was but a moment and a moment always passes you by. So did this one. But as it passed me by it turned and with a sly smile whispered "the journey between what you once were and who you are now is where the dance of life really takes place...."

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